MongoDB URI Builder
Build, deconstruct and validate MongoDB URI.
Detailed documentation for every parameter can be found on the official MongoDB documentation page.
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Build URI from the scratch

Basic See Docs
You can specify a hostname, IP address, or UNIX domain socket as host[:port]. If you specify more than one host, separate them with comma. host[:port],host[:port],host[:port]
Replica Set Option See Docs
Specifies the name of the replica set, if the mongod is a member of a replica set. When connecting to a replica set, provide a seed list of the replica set member(s) to the host[:port] component of the uri.
TSL/SSL Options See Docs
Enables or disables TLS/SSL for the connection.
New in version: 4.2
Specifies the location of a local .pem file.
New in version: 4.2
Specifies the password to de-crypt the tlsCertificateKeyFile.
Specifies the location of a local .pem file that contains the root certificate chain from the Certificate Authority. This file is used to validate the certificate presented by the mongod/mongos instance.
Bypasses validation of the certificates presented by the mongod/mongos instance.

Set to true to connect to MongoDB instances even if the server's present invalid certificates.

This option is not supported by all drivers.
New in version: 4.2
Disables hostname validation of the certificate presented by the mongod/mongos instance.

Set to true to connect to MongoDB instances even if the hostname in the server certificates do not match the server's host.

This option is not supported by all drivers.
New in version: 4.2
Disables various certificate validations.

Set to true to disable certificate validations. The exact validatations disabled vary by drivers. Refer to the Drivers documentation.

This option is not supported by all drivers.
New in version: 4.2
Timeout Options See Docs
The time in milliseconds to attempt a connection before timing out. The default is never to timeout, though different drivers might vary.
The time in milliseconds to attempt a send or receive on a socket before the attempt times out. The default is never to timeout, though different drivers might vary.
Compression Options See Docs

Comma-delimited string of compressors to enable network compression for communication between this client and a mongod/mongos instance.

You can specify the following compressors:

  • snappy
  • zlib (Available in MongoDB 3.6 or greater)
  • zstd (Available in MongoDB 4.2 or greater)

An integer that specifies the compression level if using zlib for network compression.

  • -1: Default compression level, usually level 6 compression.
  • 0: No compression.
  • 1-9: Increasing level of compression but at the cost of speed. 1 providing the best speed but least compression, and 9 providing the best compression but at the slowest speed.
Connection Pool Options See Docs
The maximum number of connections in the connection pool. The default value is 100.
The minimum number of connections in the connection pool. The default value is 0.
The maximum number of milliseconds that a connection can remain idle in the pool before being removed and closed.
A number that the driver multiplies the maxPoolSize value to, to provide the maximum number of threads allowed to wait for a connection to become available from the pool. For default values, see the driver documentation.
The maximum time in milliseconds that a thread can wait for a connection to become available. For default values, see the driver documentation.
Write Concern Options See Docs
You can specify a number, the string majority, or a tag set.
Corresponds to the write concern wtimeout. wtimeoutMS specifies a time limit, in milliseconds, for the write concern. When wtimeoutMS is 0, write operations will never time out.
Read Concern Options See Docs
The level of isolation.
Read Preference Options See Docs
Specifies the read preferences for this connection. Default is primary.
Specifies, in seconds, how stale a secondary can be before the client stops using it for read operations.
Specifies the tags document as a comma-separated list of colon-separated key-value pairs. For example: dc:ny,rack:r1
Authentication Options See Docs
Specify the database name associated with the user's credentials. If authSource is unspecified, authSource defaults to the defaultauthdb specified in the connection string. If defaultauthdb is unspecified, then authSource defaults to admin.
Specify the authentication mechanism that MongoDB will use to authenticate the connection.

Specify properties for the specified authMechanism as a comma-separated list of colon-separated key-value pairs.

Possible key-value pairs are:

  • SERVICE_NAME: string
  • SERVICE_REALM: string
  • AWS_SESSION_TOKEN: security_token
Set the Kerberos service name when connecting to Kerberized MongoDB instances. This value must match the service name set on MongoDB instances to which you are connecting.
Server Selection and Discovery Options See Docs
The size (in milliseconds) of the latency window for selecting among multiple suitable MongoDB instances. Default: 15 milliseconds.
Specifies how long (in milliseconds) to block for server selection before throwing an exception. Default: 30,000 milliseconds.
Single-threaded drivers only. When true, instructs the driver to scan the MongoDB deployment exactly once after server selection fails and then either select a server or raise an error. When false, the driver blocks and searches for a server up to the serverSelectionTimeoutMS value. Default: true.

heartbeatFrequencyMS controls when the driver checks the state of the MongoDB deployment. Specify the interval (in milliseconds) between checks, counted from the end of the previous check until the beginning of the next one.

Default for Single-threaded drivers: 60 seconds and for Multi-threaded drivers: 10 seconds.

Miscellaneous Configuration See Docs
Specify a custom app name.
New in version: 4

Or enter your existing URI here

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